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Why are hundreds of thousands of investors spending their money on advice from The Motley Fool?

You've probably been hearing a lot about The Motley Fool. After all, our newsletter services earned the top three spots in Wall Street Journal columnist Mark Hulbert's August 2013 ranking of more than 200 services he tracks.

We wanted to take a moment and answer some of the most common questions we've received, so you can decide for yourself if our services – like the award-winning Stock Advisor, Rule Breakers, and Inside Value, to name a few – are worth checking out.

We know you're busy, so let's jump right into the details.

By the way, these are actual questions from members and investors just like you who know they wanted to get better results with their investing AND were committed to getting results using proven strategies.

Q: "What do I actually GET as a member of Motley Fool Stock Advisor?"

A: First and foremost, you get access to our team of top investors and all their best investment thinking. Specifically, with Stock Advisor, that means you get two new recommendations each month emailed straight to your inbox.

Each pick walks you through the buying case for a stock, spelling out exactly why a company might be a good addition to your portfolio, as well as the potential risks.

You also get access to:

Best Buys Now

Best ideas chosen from all the picks since the service started.

Starter Stocks

A handful of stocks that make a great foundation to any portfolio.


Join the world's greatest community of investors.

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Our educational materials will help you become an expert investor.

PLUS: Bonus special reports that show you how to capitalize on the hottest trends

Here's a taste of just some of the successes from our scorecard that you can expect the moment you become a member…

up 24,028%


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up 5,633%

Q: "I want to invest, but I don't want to lose money."

A: We absolutely understand your fear. And you're absolutely not alone.

You're investing your hard-earned dollars to make your dreams come true, not to see it drip out of your brokerage account like change through a hole in your pocket.

The truth is that loss happens. Even the world's best investors pick the occasional dud.

But they don't panic.

They understand that if you buy and hold for the long term, it's possible one of your investments could go to 0. But you can gain many, many times more than you could ever lose.

And they play it smart.

With a portfolio made up of a dozen great stocks or more, your winners are going to squash the ones that didn't play out the way you expected.

That strategy has helped hundreds of thousands of investors build lasting wealth. Without fear.


We understand you might still have some questions…

You still might even have some doubts…

We don't blame you.

If you're still not sure if Motley Fool newsletter services are worth checking out…

Or if they're right for you…

Here's what we recommend:

Take a look at the results Mark and Bob have been getting because they were a part of our services…

Motley Fool member Mark T.

Mark T.

Des Moines, Iowa

"Motley Fool's changed my life in this main respect: I'm financially independent today. I didn't think that would be possible until maybe my mid or late 60s. I have the ability to make choices and quality-of-life decisions now that I would never be able to make before."

Motley Fool member Bob A.

Bob A.

Austin, Texas

"I use the Fool to do the things that I don't have time to do. If you have a busy life and want to invest in the market, this is one of the best vehicles to support you in doing that."

If you're looking for a magic formula or a quick fix, The Motley Fool investing newsletter services are not for you. We're all about finding fantastic companies and holding them for the long haul.

Investing riches don't magically appear overnight.

And because we want to be sure you're getting into a service that's right for you, you can get started with Stock Advisor today for just $19 a month and cancel anytime.

If you're ready to take advantage of our 1-year Stock Advisor subscription for $99, you're still protected by The Motley Fool's 30-day membership fee refund.

We look forward to having you join us, so you can build your lasting wealth.

Fool on!

You are only 1 step away from joining the world's best investment community and enjoying these benefits and more!

Two fully vetted and timely stock recommendations each month.

Unlimited access to every single current and former Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommendation (average pick up 673% since inception).

Personalized coverage on what's impacting your stocks.

Access to Tom and David Gardner's Best Buys Now — a monthly alert signaling the 10 stocks they believe offer investors the best opportunity.

24/7 access to the members-only Motley Fool Stock Advisor investment community where you can connect with other members and analysts on the Stock Advisor team

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